Bag Animation Image
Scale Animation Image
Yellow Arrow Animation Image
Baloons Animation Image
Note Pencil Animation Image
Play Animaition Image
Racket Animation Image
Shape Animation Image
Shape Animation Image


Velammal Vidyalaya offers a comprehensive education tailored to each child's developmental stage, emphasizing conceptual learning and interactive lessons. Our CBSE curriculum fosters holistic growth and lays a strong foundation for higher education. We aim to cultivate visionary leaders and innovative entrepreneurs, instilling a profound sense of identity rooted in global heritage and inspiring students to appreciate human achievements.

CBSE Curriculum Image

• LSRW of Kindergarten

• LISTENING SKILLS (Play With Sounds (Phonics) / Audio Visual Aids / Story Time / Music & Rhymes)

• SPEAKING SKILLS (Vocabulary Enrichment / Short Speeches / Role Play / Linguistically Structured Activities)

• READING SKILLS (Regular Reading / Kids Library / Picture Reading)

• WRITING SKILLS (Pre Writing Skills / Fine Motor Stimulation / Regular Writing / Co-Curricular Activities - Drawing, Colouring and Tracing)


• Visual Stimulation (Smart Board Classrooms / Classroom Displays / Project Displays)

• Auditory Stimulation (Music, Rhymes & Story Time / Interactive Teaching)

• Olfactory Stimulation (Brain Yoga / Outdoor Play)

• Tactile Stimulation (Fine Motor Activities)

• Gustatory Stimulation (Healthy Snack Time and Lunch Time)

• English, II Language (Tamil / Hindi), Mathematics, Environmental Science, III Language (Tamil / Hindi), Information Technology, General Knowledge, Life skills, Library, Art and Craft, Dance, Music, Games, Effective Communication,Yoga and Uniformed Services.

English, II Language (Tamil / Hindi), Mathematics, Science and Social Science, III Language (Tamil / Hindi), Information Technology, General Knowledge, Life skills, Library, Art and Craft, Dance, Music, Games, Effective Communication,Yoga and Uniformed Services.

English, II Language Std VI (Tamil / Hindi), Std VIII (Tamil / Hindi / Sanskrit), III Language(Hindi / Tamil) Mathematics, Science and Technology, Social Science, Information Technology, General Knowledge, Life Skills, Art and Craft, Dance, Music, Games, Work Education, Library, Uniformed Services and Yoga.

English, II Language (Tamil / Hindi / Sanskrit), Mathematics, Science and Technology, Social Science, Information Technology, General Knowledge, Life skills, Art and Craft, Dance, Music, Games, Work Education, Library, Uniformed Services and Yoga.

Group I : English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Computer Science.

Group II : English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Group III : English, Business Studies, Accountancy, Economics & Mathematics / Computer Science